Your Dog Needs Control

We take away a lot of our dog’s choices when we expect them to conform to our society. For example, wearing leashes limits their natural movement, as does being confirmed to a crate, a home or a yard.

We also usually don’t want them performing any predatory, or breed-specific behaviours in our environment (examples include: terriers digging and being destructive, hounds incessantly barking at squirrels, or herding breeds chasing bikes and cars).

The bottom line is we have to limit many of our dog’s natural choices in order for them to conform to the rules of our human society. Knowing this, it’s important to be fair about encouraging them to feel some control as well, instead of expecting them to be a state of surrender or submission at all times.

Here are some ways to give your dog more control:
*Long line, retractable leash, and off-leash reliability training
*Food chase games
*Playing fetch or tug
*Any exercise with a target/goal (ex. flirt pole, spring pole, lure coursing, etc.)
*Harness pulling sports
*If they feel inclined, give them a toy to carry on walks

Also, keep in mind your dog’s genetic makeup, which can give you an idea of the types of activities your dog may prefer and excel at.


Successful Dog Ownership is About Compromise