oakville, on
Do you need support with your dog? Do you feel stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed walking them?
Bianca offers Walking Support Sessions, where she and her dog join you for a walk in a neutral area, during which she gives you coaching and support on how to regulate your emotions and adjust your body language, to feel more empowered while walking your dog.
1 walk is 1 hour
Pricing in Oakville: $55+HST
*Contact us to discuss a custom session package if you’ve worked with a trainer previously
What we’ll cover:
*Understanding your dog’s perspective and needs
*Developing effective communication skills with your dog so you can navigate life smoothly together
*How to connect with and fulfill your dog on walks
*On-leash communication skills
*How to effectively set boundaries for good manners
*How to advocate for your dog so they see you as a leader and protector
Who can benefit from these sessions?
*Handlers who want support with feeling stress, frustration, or overwhelm with their dogs
*Handlers who are struggling with their dog’s behaviour in the home and on leash
*Handlers who want to understand their dogs better and build a better relationship
6 sessions, 75 minutes long each
Pricing in the OAKVILLE area: $750+HST
Travel session fees:
*for surrounding areas (Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, Brampton): $35+HST per session
*for further areas (Toronto, GTA, Niagara area): $90+HST per session
Payment plans are available upon request.
Option 1:
1 session - 5 hours ($450+HST)
What we will cover:
Practical application on how to live with your new puppy. Together, I'll walk you through step by step on what I do daily when raising a puppy. Throughout the day we will also cover theory on how dogs perceive the world. During that time we will give your pup ample time to rest.We will focus on impulse control with the front door, exiting the crate, and feeding meals
How to engage with your pup on walks (e.g. environmental agility)
How to appropriately handle your pup with putting on gear and taking gear off.
How to teach your pup to settle versus how to play with your pup.
We will visit home depot, bone and biscuit, and/ or go to pet friendly coffee shop to teach your pup how to socialize your pup
- We work through some of the difficult situations that arise e.g. learning what to do when a puppy becomes overstimulated and overwhelmed versus when the puppy is seeking engagement.
- Lots of information for the humans to take in on day
Option 2:
6 session - 75 minutes each ($600)
What we will cover:Session 1: Crate training & setting up a schedule
Session 2: Thresholds at the door
Session 3: Environmental Agility on walks
Session 4: Handling and grooming
Session 5: Play
Session 6: Basic Obedience (sit and down)
Session 7: Socialization
- Allows more integration of the information. Goals may feel more manageable goals to work on throughout the week.
- If the puppy hasn't had enough rest before training session it might limit what work we can do hands on with the puppy as it is more important for the pup's development that they get ample rest.
bianca is a somatic experiencing counsellor and dog behavioral specialist at mindful dog co
Along with her background and experience in counselling, she has a passion for coaching and supporting people that is second to none. Her skill and capacity to lend support to her human clients makes her an invaluable asset to our team.
have questions?
We also love emails.